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South American Inspirations

Cristobal Rey is a Chilean multi-instrumentalist based in Berlin. His music is very much influenced by Latin American tunes and rhythms. In Chile he has been recipient of several awards by the Department of Culture and to this date he has recorded seven albums.

He began into music at age 14, and like many other kids, playing the recorded. At age 16 he gave a try to the trumpet and at 17 the piano. He grew up in a very artistic family and surrounded by music. Even though he grew up in Chile, he became fascinated with Brazilian music and those rhythms can be found all over his musical work.

These days he spends mostly in Berlin, where he recently launched his new Album Danguje.

In this video

Cristóbal Rey
Antonio Palmisani
Vito Giacovelli
Gediminas Svilas
Gediminas Stankevičius
Behind Camera
Gediminas Bartuška
Dora Plataunaitė
Post Production
Gabriel Orentas